
Update on BTC Eclipses ショート


This is an update of this chart:
I've cleaned up a lot of the lines which aren't needed anymore. I took out all the shorter moving averages because they have all crossed bearishly, and have added in 2 more longer term moving averages in speculation of them catching (picking) the all time Low and base for future advancements.
The Lines on MFI are there to see if they can catch some patterns in future movement.

Onto my overall opinion of BTC,
I have been a Bear for a couple months. Been posting the same bearish charts, telling everyone in chat to sell and I've been doing that because of experience trading these parabolic shapes in the stock market. That said, I am a true bitcoin believer at heart. I talk about BTC with my friends and family, I am a miner and when we reach a level I am comfortable with I will be buying all in! I can't wait to be a bag-holder. I'm even planning to buy a BTC shirt/bumper sticker!
So give it another month or two and the Bullish charts will start coming out! I'd like to see BTC hit 2k+ this year. I feel the 10K+ projections are not out of the question, but in order for that to happen we would need institutional investors to come in.

That's about it for now... Good luck all! Post on my charts and see you in chat!
Thanks for the chart.
I have been making many loses this latest day because of my stubborn bullish buy.
Today I give up and sell on losing position.
Please tell when btc reach the lowest point or starting the bullish trend. Thanks
No problem man! I'll be posting charts in the future so just keep an eye out.