
The terrible consequences of confinement 



I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, our sick & obese grandpa's lives are precious, but people are getting a little more than their feelings hurt so give me a break.

I am willing to bet the majority of people did not even think of the consequences I listed.
Believe me they are very real.
Politicians sure didn't... Or they did... Epstein buddies...

The bubble is over.

Everything will crash.
Red for years.
There will never be another bull market in our lifetimes.
All hope will be gone.
Bulls will go extinct.
The world will become a mad max warzone.


Hey wait a second.

To get antivirals we first need multi month studies with control groups to make sure they are not only safe (we already know they are) but also efficient.

Where was my long study with a control group before printing trillions & before locking every one in?


Alot of doctors are unhappy with how the situation is being handled.
There are a whole lot that are secretly prescribing antivirals.
Why do the people making the decisions have to be the most ignorant ones?
Even the doctors advising government. Dr Fauci hasn't been practicing, and has been in government since 1984. 1984. (As Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases).

Here's a consequence of confinement that the world will hear from in a while and incompetent leaders are going to go "oh no it's terrible" and it's going to be hard to pretend to be surprised:
Confined people on boats, and much more in retirement homes, are getting decimated. You got reports of entire retirement houses where 80 yo+ (average age of death worldwide is around 80) are being locked up together and getting absolutely wiped out. Great job from our politicians!

Sigh, I haven't been sick for 2 years (since I quit wageslavery), and OFC 3 weeks after confinement I got sick, from all the everything closed and can't go out weakening me. Goes away fast at least... No idea if I had corona or something else.

China & other asian countries have used antivirals and prevention measures in affected areas (not the entire country), and dealt with the problem.
And in the west antivirals are "controversial" for some reason, maybe just because it's major and earliest promoter in the west is a french doctor that is a "climate denier"?

Absolute herd mentality. Why are african governements quarantining the whole country when they have 7 cases? They see others doing it and so they do it because they don't want to look bad.

Antivirals are highly efficient, there are more and more numbers on it.
Might have a vaccine too.
And this thing won't go away, it will come back at fall. Permanent confinement?
Countries have to end the quarantine very soon.

Can quarantine seniors if they really want to.


Can look at log charts

In the future they'll say "better safe than sorry" to not admit they're idiots/power grabbers.
Ye sure, so go full on emergency every single year then, because better safe than sorry.
Actually even better. Let's all be prisoners permanently, never go out, only activity will be farmers and people delivering food so the population stays alive.
Just don't live. Get your daily porridge to stay alive and that's it. Better safe than sorry!

Ah a consequence I didn't list yet: treatments for Lupus & malariah have been banned in france xddd a few months before the shutdown. Rip I guess.
And another one, research of all life threatening diseases has been halted.
Good luck, and RIP.

They're all ignoring the real experts, using models that as usual have been very very wrong, still not adjusting after reality has been far from the models (math modeling is an absolute joke, global warming or virus spread or anything it tries to predict it is a complete circus and it is modern divination - Nostradamuses being dead wrong as always).

Funny because when experts say something that benefits them they are very quick to listen and come up with laws or executive orders :)

And media + sneaky politicians fear mongering to the max and people fall for this, in part from being stuck at home and losing jobs and seeing their mental health decline. 90% of the population are gullible morons anyway that's the real problem.


" thus looks like a hor­ri­ble co­in­ci­dence that Chi­na’s In­sti­tute of Vi­rol­ogy, a high-se­cu­rity lab­o­ra­tory where hu­man cells were be­ing ex­per­i­men­tally in­fected with bat viruses, hap­pens to be in Wuhan..."

It takes time but the world is starting to see... Finding out.

If there was a way to make money betting on this info, we could have taken the bet weeks ago, and then it's just about waiting for the rest of the world to find out. I don't know a way to do this. Long on military manufacturers? XD Or short China exports, long local producers & short big companies that buy cheap electronics. But there are many other factors.


I am seing a whole lot of dead birds outside... wonderful...
I hope it's because both birds & cars are being less careful now that people are locked inside and very few are driving, plus people lose driving skills not using it.

Last year a new deadly fungi was discovered, and it is very dangerous.
Those things have difficulties travelling long distances, but spread much more easilly when people stay at home right? Who knows what could happen...
Too pessimistic!
Maybe the part that we'll never see another bullrun but the rest seems pretty solid to me
@iera, There will be a lot of positives come out of this. Working from home will become more entrenched saving money on energy and autos. Globalization will be seen for the abject failure it is and jobs will come back to the US from China. The borders will be enforced.

Its a virus that still hasn't even outpaced the normal flu and auto crash deaths not the Zombie apocalypse. The fed has the ability to print infinite money and I won't bet against that. I did in 2009 and got my nuts crushed.
@robertf97, The feds didn't print 2.2 trillion with an added 4-trillion in loans in 2009. And we only had 10 trillion in debt in 2009. The gov't is planning on printing another trillion in stimulus and continue borrowing 1-trillion a year while borrowing the money to keep the government open as this COVID-19 issue goes on. Methinks the stock market can go to 30k+, but that would barely offset inflation, and give a false sense of security to investors because the savers will have been destroyed. Even if you fixed everyone's 401k, their purchasing power would have been diluted = hyperinflation and a worldwide depression. The USA has no intention of paying this money back, and Trump will most likely rally the world to screw China out of the trillions we owe them and the trillions the world owes them = a new cold war with China as their economy nears collapse. Welcome to a new world, and it only took 37 days to make the most massive transfer of wealth in human history!
@biffbifford, I agree that is the most likely scenario.
@iera, Ye maybe I should have said "no new ath in our lives" to still sound crazy & ultra bearish yet be right.
A multi year downtrend followed by a very long sideways is very possible so I might be right for a really long time.
@MrRenev, the financial sector wishes that number go up, so eventually they go back to QE BRR inflation fueled ATH in my opinion
uber bear spotted