
If Cloud remains, then cybersecurity is THE next BIG thing ロング

CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.NASDAQ


Let me spell something out for everyone

Digital workplace
1980s 2022 2026 & Beyond
Memo > Email > Internet > Mobile > instant messaging > Video calling > Meta-verse

As we move more, if not all of our collaboration into the digital world, we rely on faster and faster decision making, as the corporations who cut down their decision making process benefit from changes in the market place.

If all corporations are using a meta verse to create an always on virtual office, where everyone is collaborating (not like the one Zuck showed us) and are located anywhere around the world! Imagine if those meeting were to be hacked, people stealing IPs and ideas! Can you just imaging who many corporations would be held to ransom? Who would even insure them?

I personally thing CyberSecurity will become a permanent fixture, like Sarbane Oxley or basel 2 is to finance! It will become mandatory for everyone in the S&P!
I am doubling down on Crowdstrike, expect double if not triple digit growth from this name....