
Analyzing with Precision

FX:EURJPY   ユーロ/円
When it comes to price action trading, price analysis is at the foundation of our trading methodology. This analysis dictates all our eventual actions in trading. So seeing that price analysis is at the core of the price action trader's trading, we want to assure that we analyze with as much precision as we can. So how is that done? Let me explain how I go about making sure my price analysis is as precise as possible. To begin with, it starts with a "state-of-mind". A clear mind that can notice the subtle hints in price that sway our analysis. In order to achieve this state-of-mind, one must understand what a "hasty" and "impatient" mind is in comparison to a "calm" and "patient" mind. The impatient mind is easy to replicate. Try breathing with fast and short bursts; similiar to the breathing pattern one gets when sprinting. Notice the impatience in the mind.That although seems sharp, lacks the serenity in the mind that one has when they are not sprinting. On the other hand, the calm and patient mind can be glimpsed through remembering what your mind feels like on a Sunday morning, in which you have no work, scheduled engagements or activities you must attend to throughout the entire day. This serenity that you experience is the patient mind you want to adopt when analyzing price. With this state-of-mind comes an effortless yet powerful foundation which allows one to analyze with precision. It's quite counter intuitive that precision comes with such relaxation. So how do I acquire this skill you ask? Well, it comes with practice. If the ability we wish to achieve is a relaxed mind when analyzing, all we have to do is "take our time" when trading. However, this is easier said than done. The markets, especially on the lower time frames, tends to activate the "impatient mind". Where we are analyzing while literally having the same mental state as when we're sprinting. Are breathing shortens and speeds up in repetition. Breaking this habit may take time. But if practiced, anyone can achieve a patient mind whilst analyzing price. Start by changing your eating habits. Most of us tend to finish our meals in 5-10 minutes. An outcome of our busy lives and also a great example of carrying over our impatient minds into moments of the day when relaxation should come naturally. Begin making it a habit to chew your food 50 times before swallowing. As you slow down the pace in which you eat, notice the sense of serenity and calmness in the mind. Compare it to the quality of the mind when eating fast. There should be an obvious difference. After 3 days of implementing this habit, slow down other aspects of your daily activities to acquire the same effect on the mind. You'll begin to notice the connection between the mind and speed of activity. If you hurry the activity, the mind will follow. If you slow down the activity, the mind will slow down and become more relaxed, patient and serene. Upon testing this correlation and becoming more adapt to it, try it on your price analysis. Take your time with your analysis. Slow down your analysis. If time doesn't allow, decrease the pairs that you analyze or trade the higher time frames. If you do, you'll begin noticing the subtle hints in price analysis that perhaps were hidden from you while you adopted an impatient mind.

I hope this helps!

Have a great day!


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