
Trading Under The Spotlight: My Open Analysis Odyssey #10 ショート

France 40 CashEightcap


Greetings once again, TradingView community!

Our ongoing quest through the markets unfolds another intriguing chapter, serving as a testament to the unpredictability and dynamism that is trading. If you're joining this journey for the first time or have been a steadfast companion, here's a brief rundown of the principles driving this series:

Transparency, Not a Tutorial: Through these posts, I aim to pull back the curtain on my trading thought process. However, the intricate mechanisms and strategies at play remain undisclosed. This isn't trading advice per se, but more a personal diary of market exploration.

Frequency & Execution: Every day presents its unique blend of setups. However, not all are destined for execution. This series predominantly mirrors my mental excursions in the market, rather than constituting actionable advice.

Purpose & Growth: The bedrock of this initiative is my aspiration to refine and amplify my market analysis prowess, all the while basking in the invaluable feedback from this vibrant community.

Diving into the next analysis of the day:

Instrument: FRA40

Bias: Short

Overall Trend: Long

Thoughts: My current observations have spotlighted two intriguing price action setups within this asset. Admittedly, my knowledge regarding the prevailing fundamentals of FRA40 is scant. Given this gap, I'm leaning towards abstaining from the first setup. The second does exude a certain allure; however, it's imperative to understand that fundamentals often steer the broader market direction. The trading adage of not swimming against the river's current rings true here — to defy it invites potential peril. My stance is one of observation, cataloging, and learning, aligning with the core tenets of this series.

Engaging with this platform and its diverse group of traders and enthusiasts remains a cherished aspect of this endeavor. Onwards we march, uncovering market nuances and fostering collective growth, one setup at a time!