
Solana Will Visit $90.00 as Imperfection Fits ショート

Solana / TetherKuCoin


Solana has claim to have the fastest blockchain in existense.

Starting on March 2020 and the register price at $25 on August 4th 2021. Skyrocket up to $200 in just a few week.

Now currently trading around $145 (when the article is written)

With the lowest average cost of transaction, perhaps SOL could be the next Ethereum as their build has a promising capability.

Grape Network raised with over $1.2 million from venture capital firms.

Solana, which is often billed as a next-gen “Ethereum killer”
—a faster, cheaper, more user-friendly version of the blockchain network that gave birth to programmable money

In the made for the perfection has come to the imperfection when its the price has to find the other symmetry to pair with the system
for the the developing price as for the ATH on above $200.

Yet we have seen the price has climbed so quickly, the price will still find its support for the stable base foundation.

The price of SOL is the price of development.

The price will not same to the development progress but the anticipation is there waiting for the system to be able functioning in real life project
as it got more than 400 project spinning alongside with the NFT.

As the anticipation rising, the price devalued gradually.

I am predicting the price will once visit $90.00 again after it reached its ATH at $200.

Stability is a must as the environment of the SOLANA it has once broke the system rules when it did not follow the Bitcoin and crypto rules due to the massive pump over time by massive hype speculative and investor.

I support this idea. Interesting thing first time since August 29 there is more daily long positions today than short from best traders on Futures Binance.
It's not much. The more important level is ~70$. That's where it will be decided whether the price will go higher or lower.
Interesting idea! 🦐️