
TLRD new name for over priced MW 教育


Mens WareHouse became Tailored Brands 2016
At this low price , TLRD might be worth it [ unless they still can not sell merchandise !
made this chart to laugh at the value MW and JoS B thought they were worth in 2013
after a down turn in 2013 when both companies FAILED to met expectations ,
they both started to try to buy each other out
pushing both stocks up ! sheer madness
after they merged via buyout , i tried shorting [ and lost !
took over a 1-2 years before it started to drop like it should
took to long
but down here , it is more worth it i would think ,
if they can organise it better and start selling stuff
does pay a dividend


i guess if your not upscale and selling

you are just another retailer of clothing
you're gonna love the way you look,, hahahaah
@carley621, then they got rid of him !
owner adds men someday will learn to copyright what they are going to say before they do say it !, !