
yuthavithi BB Scalper 2 strategy

If you are searching a high win rate strategy with good profit factor ratio strategy. this one may be your choice.
Designed to be used with BTC or LTC. with 5 minute time frame or less. This BB strategy achieve win rate over 50% easily, with some tuning you can get even 60%+.

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strategy(title="yuthavithi BB Scalper 2 strategy", overlay=true)

len = input(20, minval=1, title="Length")
multiplier = input(4, minval=1, title="multiplier")
trendTimeFrame = input(60, minval=1, title="Trend Time Frame")
useTrendFilter = input(true, type=bool, title = "Use Trend Filter")

src = input(close, title="Source")
out = sma(src, len)
//plot(out, title="SMA", color=blue)

stdOut = stdev(close, len)
bbUpper = out + stdOut * multiplier
bbLower = out - stdOut * multiplier
bbUpper2 = out + stdOut * (multiplier / 2)
bbLower2 = out - stdOut * (multiplier / 2)
bbUpperX2 = out + stdOut * multiplier * 2
bbLowerX2 = out - stdOut * multiplier * 2
bbWidth = (bbUpper - bbLower) / out

closeLongTerm = security(tickerid, tostring(trendTimeFrame), close)
smaLongTerm = security(tickerid, tostring(trendTimeFrame), sma(close,20))

//plot(smaLongTerm, color=red)

trendUp = useTrendFilter ? (closeLongTerm > smaLongTerm) : true
trendDown = useTrendFilter? (closeLongTerm < smaLongTerm) : true

bearish = ((cross(close,bbUpper2) == 1) or (cross(close,out) == 1)) and (close[1] > close) and trendDown
bullish = ((cross(close,bbLower2) == 1) or (cross(close,out) == 1)) and (close[1] < close) and trendUp

closeBuy = (high[1] > bbUpper[1]) and (close < bbUpper) and (close < open) and trendUp 
closeSell = (((low[1] < bbLower[1]) and (close > bbLower)) or ((low[2] < bbLower[2]) and (close[1] > bbLower[1]))) and (close > open) and trendDown

cutLossBuy = iff(bbWidth > 0.005, (low < bbLower) and (low[1] > bbLower[1]) and trendUp, (low < bbLowerX2) and (low[1] > bbLowerX2[1]) and trendUp)
cutLossSell = iff(bbWidth > 0.005, (high > bbUpper) and (high[1] < bbUpper[1]) and trendDown, (high > bbUpperX2) and (high[1] < bbUpperX2[1]) and trendDown)

if (bullish)
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, comment="Buy")

if (bearish)
    strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, comment="Sell")

strategy.close("Buy", closeBuy or cutLossBuy)
strategy.close("Sell", closeSell or cutLossSell)