
BTC Transaction/On-Chain Volume (Basic)

Phi-Deltalytics アップデート済   
Whale: Whale utilizing discounted prices (increasing on-chain volume & decreasing price)
Recovering: Positive momentum in price after potential whale activity
Cycle Volume Support: The transaction volume support during a cycle

What’s the best time to invest?
After institutions make up their mind at low price levels.

How’s on-chain volume related to whales or institutional money?
On-chain volume is contributed not only by using BTC as payment methods, but more importantly by large custodians using the BTC chain to settle internal whale trades. When OTC volume is estimated 2-3 times of exchange volume, and when total on-chain volume is only a small fraction of the exchange volume, the OTC settlement plays a big factor in moving the on-chain volume around.

Why does the price drop further after spotting whale money?
Does new money equal higher true value? Yes.
Does new money equal higher price? No.
Whales could not only ladder in when they see the price on discount, but also push the price further down to accumulate at better price levels. However, either route chosen, it’s most likely for the price to rise to a higher level compared to the level when the whales enter. Whales are here to make money after all.
The Quandl data source has not been updated since Dec 17, 2019. From other sources, we've so far seen a decrease in BTC transaction volume. We are currently again at the long term on-chain volume support.
Data issue from Quandl has been fixed.

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