
Target Price for KuCoin Futures

When trading on KuCoin, it can be difficult to determine what you're exit price should be.
This script solves this issue by giving you an exit price based on a given entry price, a base margin, and a target profit %.

No Entry Price:
If you have no position in KuCoin, then this use case could be more helpful. With no entry price inputted, two lines will be drawn above and below the current closing price.
The blue line represents your exit price for if you were to enter into a long at the current close.
The orange line represents your exit price if you were to enter into a short at the current close.

With Entry Price:
If you're already in a position in KuCoin, then this case might be more helpful.
The green line represents your exit price for a long from your entry price
The red line represents your exit price for a short from your entry price
The yellow line represents your entry price itself.

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