
Backwards price projection - few bars ahead reverse chart

SparkyFlary アップデート済   
Ever wondered what the chart would look like if it's flipped upside down and flipped horizontally into the future? The idea is that when there is a trend, a repeating pattern tends to occur. Going backwards and projecting that movement into the future can supposedly show what the future price will be.

Somehow I haven't found anyone try it like this and I am currently trying to find a way to use a reversed moving average or plot of some kind to project further ahead. TV at the moment does not allow offsets on candle plot(as far as I know) and I am only allowed a certain number of plots to go on the chart, so I put as many price moves ahead as I could to project the future price. It's a bit sloppy with all those forced plots but it gets the job done. I'll see if I can improve it with a moving average or something and possibly make a strategy out of it in the future.
I made major improvements and additions. It now shows you the options of price repeat, horizontal, vertical, and horizontal+vertical inversions.
-fixed the y-axis alignment problem it had with the last price
-added the option to change the price source

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