Golden Cross Detector

This Pine Script™ identifies and visualizes a Golden Cross on a chart using two Simple Moving Averages (SMA) of different periods. A Golden Cross is a bullish signal that occurs when a shorter-term moving average crosses above a longer-term moving average.

Script Description
Indicator Name:

The script is titled "Golden Cross Detector" and overlays the chart.
Moving Averages:

A 50-period SMA (short-term) is calculated using the ta.sma() function.
A 200-period SMA (long-term) is also calculated.
The 50 SMA and 200 SMA are plotted as lines:
50 SMA: Blue line.
200 SMA: Red line.
Golden Cross Detection:

The script checks for a "Golden Cross" using the ta.crossover() function.
A Golden Cross occurs when the 50-period SMA (short-term) crosses above the 200-period SMA (long-term).
Visual Representation:

When a Golden Cross is detected, a green triangle marker is plotted below the bar where the crossover happens.
The triangle is labeled "Golden Cross" to make it easy to identify.
Key Features:
Simplicity: The script focuses solely on detecting and highlighting Golden Cross events.
Customizable: You can adjust the SMA lengths (50 and 200) for different strategies.
Visual Clarity: The two SMAs (blue and red) and the green marker clearly display the crossover signal.
Chart patterns


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