Library "MyLibrary" This library contains various trading strategies and utility functions for Pine Script.
simple_moving_average(src, length) simple_moving_average @description Calculates the Simple Moving Average (SMA) of a given series. Parameters: src (float): (series float) The input series (e.g., close prices). length (int): (int) The number of periods to use for the SMA calculation. Returns: (series float) The calculated SMA series.
exponential_moving_average(src, length) exponential_moving_average @description Calculates the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of a given series. Parameters: src (float): (series float) The input series (e.g., close prices). length (simple int): (int) The number of periods to use for the EMA calculation. Returns: (series float) The calculated EMA series.
safe_division(numerator, denominator) safe_division @description Performs division with error handling for division by zero. Parameters: numerator (float): (float) The numerator for the division. denominator (float): (float) The denominator for the division. Returns: (float) The result of the division, or na if the denominator is zero.
strategy_moving_average_crossover(shortLength, longLength) strategy_moving_average_crossover @description Implements a Moving Average Crossover strategy. Parameters: shortLength (int): (int) The length for the short period SMA. longLength (int): (int) The length for the long period SMA. Returns: (series float, series float, series bool, series bool) The short SMA, long SMA, crossover signals, and crossunder signals.
strategy_rsi(rsiLength, overbought, oversold) strategy_rsi @description Implements an RSI-based trading strategy. Parameters: rsiLength (simple int): (int) The length for the RSI calculation. overbought (float): (float) The overbought threshold. oversold (float): (float) The oversold threshold. Returns: (series float, series bool, series bool) The RSI values, long signals, and short signals.
ichimoku_cloud(convPeriod, basePeriod, spanBPeriod, laggingSpanPeriod) ichimoku_cloud @description Computes Ichimoku Cloud components. Parameters: convPeriod (int): (int) The conversion line period. basePeriod (int): (int) The base line period. spanBPeriod (int) laggingSpanPeriod (int) Returns: (series float, series float, series float, series float, series float) The conversion line, base line, leading span A, leading span B, and lagging span.
strategy_ichimoku_conversion_baseline() strategy_ichimoku_conversion_baseline @description Implements an Ichimoku Conversion Line and Baseline strategy. Returns: (series float, series float, series bool, series bool) The conversion line, baseline, crossover signals, and crossunder signals.
debug_print(labelText, value, barIndex) debug_print @description Prints values to the chart for debugging purposes. Parameters: labelText (string): (string) The label text. value (float): (float) The value to display. barIndex (int): (int) The bar index where the label should be displayed.