
DepthHouse BTC Momentum Oscillator [BTC MO]

NOTE: Only Works on BTC.
All testing was done on 1hr Timeframe
This is a experimental indicator - use at your own risk.

DepthHouse BTC Momentum Oscillator is an advanced tool to help determine Bitcoin Market Momentum.

---BTC MO SIgnals---
Signal Line: Generally, if the Signal Line is greater than 0, then there is more bullish momentum in the market
Tops & Bottoms: Signals used to help spot where BTC momentum may have topped or bottomed out
Possible Divergences: Used to help spot possible reversals on continuous trends

---oh92's Preset Setting---
Scalper: (20,11,17,6) Very reactive settings that I use while day trading. However, faster settings generally increase the chance of false signals(20,11,17,6)
Swing Trader: (5,25,55,10) Greatly reduces noise for my longer time trades. Generally makes 'tops' and 'bottoms' more accurate. Which can be a huge advantsge in spoting an earnly trend reversal
Custom: Allows user adjustments of all settings

  • Tops
  • Bottoms
  • Bearish Divergences
  • Bullish Divergences
  • Signal Line Crossovers

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Creator of DepthHouse Indicators on TradingView!

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