'Divergence Cheat Sheet' helps in understanding what to look for when identifying divergences between price and an indicator. The strength of a divergence can be strong, medium, or weak. Divergences are always most effective when references prior peaks and on higher time frames. The most common indicators to identify divergences with are the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Moving average convergence divergence (MACD).
Regular Bull Divergence: Indicates underlying strength. Bears are exhausted. Warning of a possible trend direction change from a downtrend to an uptrend.
Hidden Bull Divergence: Indicates underlying strength. Good entry or re-entry. This occurs during retracements in an uptrend. Nice to see during the price retest of previous lows. “Buy the dips."
Regular Bear Divergence: Indicates underlying weakness. The bulls are exhausted. Warning of a possible trend direction change from an uptrend to a downtrend.
Hidden Bear Divergence: Indicates underlying weakness. Found during retracements in a downtrend. Nice to see during price retests of previous highs. “Sell the rallies.”
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