This alert will tell you the moment when it exceeds the high or low for a certain period of time. The default consists of three periods, meaning long term, medium term, short term. Alerts are also displayed on the chart with arrows, the longest arrow is long.
Alerts are set with the alert function of TradingView and individually set high value break and low price break for one period. The direction of the break indicates the direction of the market, and it seems that the break of the middle term is stronger than the short term.
In addition, the directionality when multiple breaks occur simultaneously or consecutively is recognized as stronger than a single break.

このスクリプトへのアクセスは作者が許可したユーザーに制限されており、通常はお支払いが必要です。お気に入りに追加することはできますが、許可を申請して作者が許可した後でなければ使用することはできません。 詳細については toushischool-support にお問い合わせいただくか、以下の作者の指示に従ってください。





注: アクセス権をリクエストされる前にご覧ください