
Bitcoin CoP - Overlay

A good estimate of what it would cost in electricity to mine 1 whole bitcoin with your preferred mining equipment. The overlay allows to change a few ASIC related variables like hash rate, device wattage, and electrical cost by KW/h. Defaults are set for the Antminer S17 Pro, which hashes at 53 Th/s and consumes 2.1 KW at 7.5 cents a KW/h. The overlay also considers halvings and plots CoP in those events.

Note that this overlay does not include other business related costs like building lease, labor, or cooling.

The graph below shows CoP of three machines at 7.5 cents a KW/h
Antminer S7 4.74 Th/s 1.3 KW
Antminer S9 16 Th/s 1.28 KW
Antminer s17 Pro 53 Th/s 2.1 KW


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