
Trend and Entry CCI ST15

This is a T3 CCI with a fast and slow line as well as extreme lines, a -15,15 filter to make zero line rejections and crosses more mechanical and help weed out whipsaw. I will probably update description in the future and get into more detail about how the indicator is used but for now if you want more info look up woodie CCI patterns :) Good Luck!!

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study(title="Trend and Entry CCI ST15", shorttitle="Trend and Entry CCI")
CCI_Period = input(89, minval=1)
CCI_Period14 = input(21, minval=2)
T3_Period = input(5, minval=1)
b = input(0.618)
band5 = hline(100)
band4 = hline(-100)
hline(0, color=purple, linestyle=line)
band3 = hline(200, title="Upper Line", linestyle=dashed, linewidth=2, color=red)
band2 = hline(-200, title="Lower Line", linestyle=dashed, linewidth=2, color=lime)
band1 = hline(15)
band0 = hline(-15)
fill(band1, band0, color=yellow, transp=1)
xPrice = close
b2 = b*b
b3 = b2*b
c1 = -b3
c2 = (3*(b2 + b3))
c3 = -3*(2*b2 + b + b3)
c4 = (1 + 3*b + b3 + 3*b2)
nn = iff(T3_Period < 1, 1, T3_Period)
nr = 1 + 0.5*(nn - 1)
w1 = 2 / (nr + 1)
w2 = 1 - w1 
xcci = cci(xPrice, CCI_Period)
e1 = w1*xcci + w2*nz(e1[1])
e2 = w1*e1 + w2*nz(e2[1])
e3 = w1*e2 + w2*nz(e3[1])
e4 = w1*e3 + w2*nz(e4[1])
e5 = w1*e4 + w2*nz(e5[1])
e6 = w1*e5 + w2*nz(e6[1])
xccir = c1*e6 + c2*e5 + c3*e4 + c4*e3 
cciHcolor = iff(xccir >= 0 , green,iff(xccir < 0, red, black))

xcci14 = cci(xPrice, CCI_Period14)
a1 = w1*xcci14 + w2*nz(a1[1])
a2 = w1*a1 + w2*nz(a2[1])
a3 = w1*a2 + w2*nz(a3[1])
a4 = w1*a3 + w2*nz(a4[1])
a5 = w1*a4 + w2*nz(a5[1])
a6 = w1*a5 + w2*nz(a6[1])
xccir14 = c1*a6 + c2*a5 + c3*a4 + c4*a3 

plot(xccir, color=blue, title="T3-CCI")
plot(xccir, color=cciHcolor, title="CCIH", style = histogram)

plot(xccir14, color=orange, title="CCIH",linewidth=2, style = line)