
Prevous High & Low by Period + NY Zone

NickDolan アップデート済   

This is based on various example code and research done to try and help using the free ICT OTE Pattern on the NY 08:30 to 11:00 am

I tried to make this work on multiple time frames and settings but its best below 8hr

Legend (some of these are for fun and working examples)
RED BG color = Sunday Trading
MAROON STAR = Experiment in significant movement over the last 3 bars
Blue X = Engulfing Candle Marker

I have used this script as a building basis and research contributed by various sources on the internet. Its for learning purposes and helping to draw some lines.
updates to Script:-

Amended Script to remove un-needed Calls to Security()
Added more controls for turning on or off parts of the information displayed
Added Titles to Inputs and Booleans to enable panel


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