
SBER's Trend Jinni (Real/False Trend Detector)

WaveNodes アップデート済   
Trend Jinni - Your trading time friend that helps you take right decisions

Trend Jinni indicator can be used for scalping, day trade, swing trades, short term or for investment analysis of equities, indices, currencies, and commodities. It provides easy to visualize multiple pieces of critical information:
1) Finds opportunity with major trade change information
2) Fake moves / Fake / False or fading trends
2) Support/resistance level
4) When not to be in the trade
5) Stop loss information

Why Trend Jinni? It analyzes information and presents it much before other lagging indicators and adapts to the changes in securities

How to read Trend Jinni?
Jinni line color:
Red = Sell side trade
Green = Buy side trade
Black = No trade zone

Best entry point is the one which is closest to the Jinni price line.
Trade is recommended to be closed when price is below Jinni line (in case of buy side trade) or it is above Jinni line (in case of sell side trade)

What time frame should I use?
1 min = Very aggressive traders / Scalpers
5 min = Aggressive day traders
15 min = Patient day traders
60 min = Swing traders/Short term traders
1 day = Long term traders/Short term traders
Build 109 with minor update
Added version information
New version Build 1.1 with additional features of targets.

Targets are indicative and must be be followed with Technical Analysis.
Targets move with Jinni Line.
Minor update to remove bars error
v1.2 Release Notes:
Added option to show/hide possible targets and textual information
Option to change colors of markings on screen

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Access to this tool is available only for the members of Sachin Bhatia Equity Research. Contact us for more details (www.sachinbhatia.com)


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