
Pi Cycle Bitcoin top indicator 

Bitcoin Liquid IndexBrave New Coin


The Pi Cycle Top Indicator has historically been effective in picking out the timing of market cycle highs to within 3 days.
It uses the 111 day moving average (111DMA) and a newly created multiple of the 350 day moving average, the 350DMA x 2.

Note: The multiple is of the price values of the 350DMA not the number of days.

For the past three market cycles, when the 111DMA moves up and crosses the 350DMA x 2 we see that it coincides with the price of Bitcoin peaking.

It is also interesting to note that 350 / 111 is 3.153, which is very close to Pi = 3.142. In fact, it is the closest we can get to Pi when dividing 350 by another whole number.

It once again demonstrates the cyclical nature of Bitcoin price action over long time frames. Though in this instance it does so with a high degree of accuracy over the past 7 years.

Full Credit to PositiveCrypto
Does this work only with BTC?
Where is it found?
Hi how can we get this indicator?
Is the free TV account ok?
Why trust almost pi which actually isn’t even almost pi when you can trust actual Fibonacci . The question is will this cherry picked chart prevail or hardcore math that has stood the test of centuries and predicts a price much more plausible which the current economic drop back. If any one wants to sell I’ll be buying your BTC. You’re stupid if you sell because of pi cycle indicator. There are reasons to sell. This not one of them.
@Kingstevieb, can you see that pi cycle is working? I'm sure you're the one buying all the BTC being sold right now.
@akintades333, Just like with other calls this will be proven right as well. Pi will be proven wrong.
@Kingstevieb, lol legend says you are crying and bankrupted
@MinimumWagerLvl1, Oh yes, his will was good but his logic was poor and now he is poor lol! I thank him daily for being my liquidity!
@Kingstevieb, this aged well
@ARCTVS, Just like with other calls this will be proven right as well. Pi will be proven wrong.