
Pump|Dump Ticker

ehsanha アップデート済   
this is just a study to investigate the pumps and dumps that have been happened in a crypto market and it should not be used as an indicator. this is also my very first Pine Script that I've written and I am sure it is not perfect. actually I am curious to know when (I mean the exact time of the day) most pumps and dumps happen as a self investigation. the method that is used to define pumps and dumps is not good (and I know that) but I will modify it for better result in next version.

to use this study, you should define whether you want to display pumps or dumps or both and also you should define percent of change (threshold).
I've made a few minor changes to the script and updated it. now it is in Pine Script version 4.0 syntax and the diagram is in histogram format.

I am still in the process of developing a better solution to find pumps and dumps and even more important; when they are going to happen.

Thanks for your attention,
some minor code formatting corrections

© Ehsan Haghpanah (

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