
ApopheniaPays Crossing detector & 2-field date/time entry

ApopheniaPays アップデート済   
You specify a horizontal line by value, start date/time, and end date/time, and choose a data source (bar close is the default) and it will label count how many times that source crosses that line between those dates/times.

Enter the start and end dates for your horizontal line as MMDDYY and HHMM (24 hour time).

: Jan 17, 2020 would be 11720 (properly it would be 011720, but Pine inputs delete leading 0s).
: November 17, 2020 would be 110720.
: 8:30 AM would be 0830.
: 8:30 PM would be 2030.

Remember to enter the right time zone.

I believe nobody else has published a 2-input date/time picker on TV, at least the last time I checked they hadn't, they all make you input M,D,Y,H,M as separate fields. Ugh!

If you use any parts of this code, please credit me. If somehow you happen to make a lot of money using this code, please think about what a fair share would be to pay me for my help, then give that amount to a worthwhile charity.
Added new "Crossing type": count only crossing up, crossing down, any cross, or any touch at all. "Any touch" ignores the source you specified in the first input, and triggers if any part of the candle at all is touching the specified value.

Twitter/TradingView: ApopheniaPays

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