Heffae Resolution Commander (RAW)

This is a script to call resolutions with some math on top of your base resolution.

Using the modulo operator to quantize integer values, it works by converting the modified resolution integer to a 4 digit string value.

Use the function within your own scripts to call funny resolutions otherwise difficult to calculate.

You cannot add series expressions to the resolution value since pine does not allow "series" as a resolution for a security call
  • However, you could easily stack a crapload of these together and use an expression to switch the referenced security function for your purposes.

This is the raw timeframe output as integer, not string.
To go back to string outputs (for use in security calls etc) unslash line 52 //resvalue

For those interested in the verbose version of the timeframe mod function, showing all the steps, here is a pastebin:

Cheers! Drop a line / comment if you enjoy or have any questions on how to integrate this into your script@!
The Modulo operator is so much fun!

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