This indicator will tell you whether the security you are looking at is overvalued or undervalued using a company's total assets and their market cap. In theory, a company's total assets is everything that they own, which then should technically be how much the company is worth. Therefore, if the company's market cap is higher than their total assets, the...
A simple indicator that displayers as a table, telling you whether or not the stock you have selected has a current price that is less than 67% of the company's net current asset value per share (NCAVPS) at its last reporting period (FQ, FY, TTM). Benjamin Graham uses this 67% rule to decide whether or not a stock is significantly undervalued, and studies have...
In this strategy, I looked at how to manage the crypto I bought. Once we have a little understanding of how cryptocurrency is valued, we can manage the coins we have. For example, the most valuable coin in a coin is to sell when it is overvalued and re-buy when it is undervalued. Furthermore, I realised that buying from the right place and selling at the right...