
Understanding the Moves of Wave Theory

There are so many People talk about it , Yet you will not find them successful @ all the moves in the stock market , The reason can be only one

Lack of Knowledge along with Lack of Practice , during my training season i was one of most arrogant student in the Class room i never use to proceed ahead with

every one i always had a Questions about the theory being applied on Financial instrument , and I only moved ahead when i use to get proper answers ,

One can Laugh on me ,its true I took longer time to learn it almost double the time required to learn it ,

After learning the practicing was Much harder then it looks when we are trying to read book and listen class room explanation

it takes hours of practice to come to conclusion of each steps , each steps of conclusive methods can lead to next steps and so on until you become master in it

I nearly Practiced it for 16 hour per day , those days Trading view was not there i was using Fusion Software ( Very Older version ) at least you people have this social site where you can practice without any pay for free

My point is People who read book and view some video explanation usually try to Jump the Guns , but its not that easy , results are far away form their views

Coming to Point of this scrip

This is due for Next Impulse move up , but the developing structure has to confirm the move in relatively 5 wave move on smaller time
please remember i am using the words as relatively , that means some time they will be visible and some time they are not one can let it complete its wave 1 developing moves and then wait for pull back for Long term position entry

My 1st Target i have mentioned here , Look for proper set up

i have also made an Visual representation of chart try to understand it , if you have Question ask it

Good luck

