Amgen Inc.

AMGN - Increased Probability of Appreciation

AMGN has the support of Fiboclouds indicating an increased probability of appreciation at least until the first target. The second target should be tested, provided the stop loss is properly repositioned at the time of the first partial realization.

If this projection is confirmed and a partial realization occurs at the first target, the stop loss should be moved from its initial position to the same line where the position was opened.

This way, the journey towards the final target will proceed with reduced risk of losses and the preservation of the partial gains achieved so far.

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トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達
Intermediate target reached, resulting in a partial appreciation of +3.40% over 3 consecutive trading sessions.

Action required: Move the stop loss up to 314.70, as outlined in our traditional risk management, and wait for the development towards the final target. This ensures the partial gain and exponentially reduces the risk of losses in this already successful and profitable trade.
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達
AMGEN - Final Target Reached Resulting in Total Appreciation of +7.50% Over 7 Consecutive Trading Sessions

