I often hear Mr+Mrs Negative harping on about "Oh , Crypto is so unstable /unreliable as an investment, . .and yes, over the short-term it can be a horror-ride, as we all know . .BUT as we all know, over a longer time frame - who ever lost money on Bitcoin or top Altcoins ? PLUS, ITS FUN !!! . .
One MAJOR aspect to Crypto that is rarely expressed /explained to the sheep is that ...MILLIONS, maybe BILLIONS of sheep spend many billions on absolutely pointless lottery tickets. ..with a 99.99999% likelihood of 100% loss . . whereas Crypto has a 99.999% guarantee that you WILL NEVER loose 100% . .this is a MAJOR selling point, coupled with the possibility of choosing a 10x 20x 30x or even 100x is very real !! . .add in the 24/7/365 home access feature - ITS BY FAR THE BEST LOTTERY IN TOWN!!! . .its why the Governments hate it too . .not just from the "currency" angle - but that it is just SO MUCH FUN ..and can only grow and grow and grow . .unless they try to ban/regulate . .
The rocket is on the launchpad - and counting - engines are GO . .NOTHING will stop Crypto now . .NOTHING. - FACT, and they know it !!! . .BUY BUY BUY . .you will not live to regret your investment !!!