
Bad idea, great marketing

The Ethereum related news hitting mainstream press is laughable. I happen to be a software engineer and crypto enthusiast and I never invested in Ethereum because it is at best a bad idea and at worst a scam. It has some seriously great marketing and everyone who missed the boat on Bitcoin, is trying to cache in on this mega hype. Even big companies who is trying to latch on to the new "blockchain" tech are getting their hands dirty. I could go on and on about what a crappy piece of technology Ethereum is, but I wont. I will instead spend my time attempting to build a major short position. I have no position yet, but I'm attempting to build one.
This horror show is destined to implode. Well.. after careful consideration I've decided to not trade against my trading rules, which explicitly tells me to never even go short anything under any circumstance. What a bummer, because there are so much money to be made. Anyway, not for me so I'm cancelling this one. Still, I do feel like a winner because I managed to stick to my trading rules even though I find this one particularity enticing.

