Invesco CurrencyShares Japanese Yen Trust

Wave Analysis of the Japanese Yen (FXY)

If The Yen gets beyond 83.90, then this will confirm the beginning of a bear market for the USD as it did back in 2008 when the Yen rose; and it would justify the structure of this wave analysis.

I am also taken into consideration that a strong Yen is bad for the Japanese economy and for the Nikkei, being that Japan is an export-based economy. This should, then, spill over into the markets as it is doing now with the Nikkei and the US stock market. Equities in the US stock market are adjusting to the foreseen rate hikes of the Fed.

It is expected that the Fed will keep raising rates since they expect inflation to rise in 2016 for the US economy. This could be an opportunity to buy strong companies at discount prices.

Well, I have to wait and see where the Yen and Nikkei goes from here along with other things.
Checking up on the Japanese yen as Brexit sets in and the same pattern that happened the last time.


If 55% of Britain voters vote out of the Euro, then this could fuel the fire, such that the S&P 500wll drop like in the following chart:

