
Why Options buyers lose money Statistical Proof.

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I have downloaded this statistics from NSE website from November 2023 to November 2024 to see how market performed percentage wise daily of 250 days of trading days for that one year.

Out of 250 of days of trading days only 36 days are trending days more than or equal 1% here i'm considering has trendy days ,rest 214 days sideways to minor trend days.With that it proved that Call/Put Sellers on top or below the ranges make good money.Rest Minor to Trendy days Option buyers can make money if one's view is in right direction vice versa if view goes wrong huge losses can occur also.

Hence proved that option buying is not at all good prospect to trading avoid instead go for futures or selling with hedge ofcourse one will need more money to trade but money makes money.

Last to mention i was a option buyer early days of my trading days burnt my hands ,later moved on to Option selling .Posting this to if this helps fellow traders to understand and get out of option buying ,the more you wait the more pain it will give.

214 Days Sellers have upper hand over Buyers.
36 Days Buyers have upper hand over Sellers.

Learn and Upgrade yourself .

Happy Trading !!!!

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