IF the Crypto and BTC assumed as traditional market products

Please note that there is different fundamental behind BTC. However, all prices no matter what market belongs, the price moves in the same ways. This is Wyckoff methodology, which also imprinted my own style. There is only real thing you should consider always that there is always a market cycle, if it is not a ponzi or scam product.

If you expecting to price visit 2. box POC then what preventing you from thinking the price won't come to POC of 1. box.

Anyway this is my idea, however, it always on the table. News, Fuds, ETF approves don't change anything, actually you can see the incoming of those things from the charts, always.

PS: 1. and 2. box different stages, and the 3. box (bigger one) is exactly the same as 1 and 2 :)

Also, I tried to show the Fixed volume of 3. box by transparanting and meving slightly back so you can identify it.

Good Luck.

