
This is what you need to know before trading

Hi this is my approach to the market. Prepare this list for yourself before trading:

- Good broker
- Good mental books to help you (my recommendation Zen in the markets is a must)
- Good trading idea
- Good risk management
- Good rules
- And always learn new ideas and back test it
- And learn to manage your life (you need no distractions so do the things you need to do before hand, it can be job or homework)

As far as we know the market is quite unpredictable it is essential for you to prepare yourself or you will learn it the hard way.

My advice : after you checked the list learn lot of trading ideas and choose the most profitable ones to back test it.
- Follow your rule
- Whatever you do, do not go against the trend always follow the trend FOLLOW THE MARKET
- Always approach the market blank minded and do what the market is telling you.

Good luck

If you want to create new broker account i recommend this broker : lnd.easymarkets.com/int/en/refer-a-friend/?ref_id=48EAF6

