
Piercing Line automatic finding script

Let me introduce my Piercing Line automatic finding script.
This is a bullish reversal pattern formed by two candlesticks. Following a downtrend,
an up candlestick with a long real body is followed by a lower open on the next
candlestick. This session finishes as an up candlestick and closes above the midpoint
of the prior candlestick's real body. It is the reverse of the Dark Cloud.


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//  Copyright by HPotter v1.0 10/04/2014
//    This is a bullish reversal pattern formed by two candlesticks. Following a downtrend, 
//    an up candlestick with a long real body is followed by a lower open on the next 
//    candlestick. This session finishes as an up candlestick and closes above the midpoint 
//    of the prior candlestick's real body. It is the reverse of the Dark Cloud.

study(title = "Piercing Line", overlay = true)
upper = highest(10)[1]
barcolor(close[1] < open[1] ?  open < low[1] ? close > close[1] + ((open[1] - close[1])/2) ? close < open[1] ? yellow :na :na  : na : na)