
Moving Average Compendium

3 594
Moving Average Compendium (16 MA Types)

A selection of the most popular, widely used, interesting and most powerful Moving Averages we can think of. We've compiled 16 MA's into this script, and allowed full access to the source code so you can use what you need, as you need it.


From very simple moving averages using built-in functions, all the way through to Fractal Adaptive Averages, we've tried to cover as much as we can think of! BUT, if you would like to make a suggestion or recommendation to be added to this compendium of MA's please let us know! Together we can get a complete list of many dozens of types of Moving Average.

Full List (so far)
SMA - Simple Moving Average
EMA - Exponential Moving Average
WMA - Weighted Moving Average
VWMA - Volume Weighted Moving Average
DEMA - Double Exponential Moving Average
TEMA - Triple Exponential Moving Average
SMMA - Smoothed Moving Average
HMA - Hull Moving Average
ZLEMA - Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average
KAMA - Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average
JMA - Jurik Moving Average
SWMA - Sine-Weighted Moving Average
TriMA - Triangular Moving Average
MedMA - Moving Median Average
GeoMA - Geometric Mean Moving Average
FRAMA - Fractal Adaptive Moving Average

Line color changes from green (upward) to red (downward) - some of the MA types will "linger" without moving up or down and when they are in this state they should appear gray in color.

Thanks to all involved -

Good Luck and Happy Trading!
- Added tick boxes to manually add/remove MA's from the chart
- General improvements to user interface

