RSI + Stoch/RSI

This is a combination of 2 of the most used indicators. RSI and stochastic/RSI

Ive coded them both to work together to save space on your chart and work as only ONE indicator.

I specifically only use the D line with my rsi , but you have the option to use the K and D line if you so choose.

RSI is good for momentum
Stochastic is good for short term momentum.

They work very well together and if you are a swing trader or scalper they can help immensely when looking for sniper entry areas after you've done you're initial pattern, level, fibonacci and wave analysis.

I like the way this works and have been using these two indicators for a while so I figured I would share.

Happy new year everyone, God bless!
2in1FREERelative Strength Index (RSI)sniperStochastic OscillatorStochastic RSI (STOCH RSI)


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