MTF ADX & DI - Monitoring Panel

12 979
Monitoring panel showing the ADX (Average Directional Index) & DMI (Directional Movement Index) as color code for 6 different timeframes.
This gives a very easy overview on the current state of the market and if it is trending.

- ADX basically describes the strength of a Trend
- DMI give indication on the direction of the trend, usually shown as +DI and -DI

Meanings of the Colors:
ADX is below Low Threshold (no trend) : Black
ADX is above Low Threshold and DI is positive (weak bullish trend) : Light Green
ADX is above High Threshold and DI is positive (strong bullish trend) : Dark Green
ADX is above Low Threshold and DI is negative (weak bearish trend) : Light Red
ADX is above High Threshold and DI is negative (strong bearish trend) : Dark Red

- Low Threshold (default = 20) and High Threshold (default = 50) can be changed in the settings
- Timeframes can be changed, but the description labels are currently hardcoded - if you want to change it, just copy the script and change them
- Currently there are two additional timeframes commented in the code - if you want to use them, just copy the script and uncomment them

Have fun and as always I am open for constructive feedback.


