Hendo's Trend Follower

A main trend following indicator:

Used to determine a bias and can be used to find pivots. It colors the background of your charts green when it's biased towards bullishness, red when it's biased towards bearishness. The transitions between Red & Green are also tradeable pivots.

Most of usage is explained quite well in the image found above. It does work on every pair and every time frame. It does not repaint nor does it use data from the future to find a bias.

As any of these indicators:
1. It does not work 100% of the time
2. It works better on higher time frames (less trendshifts)
3. It's extremely consistent in execution, unlike human beings: Hence why it's perfect for determining your bias on price.

Comes with 2 settings:
Sensitivity: 1-20
Consistency: 1-5

Feel free to match the settings with the pair you're trading. Higher for BTC, lower for FX for example.

Access is ONLY for members, I'm not selling the sourcecode, nor letting people "help" with development.

More stuff to come!
pivotPivot PointsprofessionalTrend Analysis


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