Based on the criteria described in the book "Mean Revision Trading" by Nishant Pant.
Bullish signal criteria:
Bollinger Bands must be outside Keltner Channel
Price near bottom bband
DI+ increasing
DI- decreasing
RSI near bottom and increasing
Bearish signal criteria:
Bollinger Bands must be outside Keltner Channel
Price near upper bband
DI+ decreasing
DI- increasing
RSI near upper and decreasing
A single triangle indicates that all 4 criteria are met. If letters appear with the triangle, this indicates that there was a partial criteria match.
K : bbands outside Keltner
B : bbands criteria met
D : DI criteria met
R : RSI criteria met
You can use the settings to turn off partial signals. For example:
"Partial 3" means show signals where 3 of the criteria are met.
If you want more insight into the underlying criteria, load these indicators as well:
Bollinger Bands (built-in to TradingView) Keltner Channels (built-in to TradingView) RSI (built-in to TradingView) ADX and DI
Not meant to be used as a stand-alone buy/sell signal. It regularly provides signals which would not be profitable. It's meant to be used in conjunction with other analysis.
Think of this as a time-saving tool. Instead of manually checking RSI, DI+/DI-, bbands, distance, etc. this does all of that for you on the fly.