

The 2 Pole and 3 Pole Super Smoother Filters were developed by John Ehlers and described in "Chapter 13: Super Smother" of his book Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures.
The 2 Pole Smoother is described as being a better approximation of price, whereas the 3 Pole Smoother has superior smoothing.

Library "Ehlers_Super_Smoother"
Provides the functions to calculate Double and Triple Exponentional Moving Averages (DEMA & TEMA)

twoPole(_source, _length) Calculates 2 Pole Ehlers Super Smoother Filter
    _source: -> Open, Close, High, Low, etc ('close' is used if no argument is supplied)
    _length: -> Ehlers Super Smoother length
  Returns: 2 Pole Ehlers Super Smoothing to an input source at the specified input length

threePole(_source, _length) Calculates 3 Pole Ehlers Super Smoother Filter
    _source: -> Open, Close, High, Low, etc ('close' is used if no argument is supplied)
    _length: -> Ehlers Super Smoother length
  Returns: 3 Pole Ehlers Super Smoothing to an input source at the specified input length
Corrected "Description", no other changes, v2 will work exactly like v1
