Forex Dogs Moving Averages with Distance Table

This is an indicator based on the book【Forex】ForexDog’s Vacuum Zone Trading 2021: Trading Strategy to “not lose” based on Experience and Logic written by Forex Dog (yes, this is his author name on Amazon; he is a trader popular mostly in Japan). It consists of simple moving averages which should somewhat correspond to the higher timeframes moving averages. The original was traded on a 15m chart and the periods are as follows: 5, 20, 40, 50, 80, 100, 200, 400, 640, 1600, 1920, 3200.

Then, there is a big table with a distances overview. This should give you an idea of how far each average is in ticks. The minus in front of the ticks_total signifies direction.

I expect some feedback on this because I don't think the user convenience is very with tables being so bright. My goal is to create a system that limits the number of "noodles" on the chart but still carries the information via the tables on the side.

Moving Average Length is not adjustable by design. The book says to use these quite explicitly, although the logic would work just fine with some other levels, it would not be the original strategy.

Good luck!

