Baidu, Inc.

Decisive moment for BIDU (!)(?)

People are looking for a bottom in BIDU. Monthly/weekly chart provides the basis for an idea. What the macro-picture says, is another business. China vs. US, Trump vs. Kamala, tech-giants and so forth...fear of accidents i believe to be overdramatic, and mainly caused by its newness and uncertainty for ones everyday life. Not to say it doesnt matter. Replacing jobs however...anybody with some realistic numbers and timeframe, with corresponding consequences?

My scenario, bottoming out somewhere from todays level down to 70s. If not, it could be a roller coaster down to sub 50s. Would love to see some stable price-action in 80s on rising (rel. higher) volume.

Looking more short term, im betting on the RSI/price divergence we are seeing in June/July.


