
What comes around goes around!

Who is Satushi nakunata ? Do you know him , i knew a guy who knew a guy and he says at the end of the day the truth will always comes out and when it does it would be the King assassination day .
If you ask me i would say blockchain will survive and a whole new generation of investors will enter the 9 figure club . Those who know the diffrence between the value and the price.

Look for something valuabe at a low price and sit on it . Just like what the wise man once said ...
Monay is made by sitting not by jumping arround .

Last but not least look at the yin yong chart above. Its a term i came up with . A reverse chart is not tradeable but its like a mirror . You look at it and me things better !

When the 1/BTCUSD goes up BTC will drop like a damn fly.

