
Looks like we've got another mystery on our hands.

Hey, you guys, look, I know I'm just the dude that carries the bags.

If you want to know what happened with GME in January watch this.

Most interest to me is the selling of puts

It's good to get a basic understanding of Gamma and Vanna exposures for market makers.

The important takeaway is "market makers who are long puts, or long gamma, By knowing how market makers will be forced to delta hedge according to changes in price, one can implicitly know where market makers will need to place buy and sell orders"

In the video at 4:14 in the video explains why GME has been following the patterns I followed in this chart
GME and Wyckoff's Composite Man

At this point, I'm fairly certain GME will remain around 180 until Nov15-19 and possible through to the end of the 1yr is when the market makers pnl profile will change to meet the end of 1yr options contracts.

so much for free market price discovery.

Just wait until you see what I have in store for my next mystery.

SPY vs GME: #NotLeaving
I know I can get a little tin foil hat sometimes. but the video I pointed out in this post never said anything about crashing the market. Now it does.

Sorry. I'm really good at spot the difference game.
ya 5min mark. that was not there when I wrote this post.

