What's up everybody... This is Livingstone
Before you read this post, please note; this is only my opinion and in no way an investment advice. Do Your Own Research before you make a decision.
Let's dive in
Virtually everyone in the market have heard the news of LUNA catastrophic meltdown. It's no longer news the worst that happens to one of crypto darling gem. And at this stage I feel no further fall of the LUNA coin will be suprising to any one of us.
This is why I'm of the opinion, LUNA will only grow from here. The worst has already happen. Is there any fall worst than this?
I can understand the pain of traders who have lost their hard earned money on LUNA... I did not. So i feel I'm in a better position to speak objectively on this because I didn't hold LUNA before the crash...
Will LUNA Grow Again?
I think so... There is a strong possibility the growth will come but not so fast. For now it is trading under the radar and many won't care to notice due to the unprecedented fall ....
Here are a few indicators that makes me think Luna will have the chance to grow again...
First, Luna has a great team with good network and they are backed by top VCs. Last year they recieved a $150 million venture fund.
Secondly, I'm impressed by the massive level of support LUNA has received from key players and crypto exchanges even after it failure. The crypto community support it has received in the last 72 hrs is a healing.
I tend to see the attack on Luna as an attack to the whole crypto ecosystem. It means no coin is safe. This is a worrying sign considering that the massive sump was caused by some hedge fund whales. The crypto ecosystem system have to protect their own.
Thridly, no top exchanges at least for now is planning on delisting LUNA even Binance made a u turn to relist it.
Fourth, The recovery of Luna is already in progress but many might not have noticed it because some are still suffering from the devastating shock.
Honsetly i dont think they are going nowhere.. I like how the Luna team are accepting the responsibilty of their failure.... this is a big chanllenge for them.
LUNA is like a billion dollar money making machine backed by VC funds that got faulty.
I'm not expecting the owners to throw way such a machine.... if they do , no other type of machine they bring to the market will attract the confidence of investors.
They have to repair it and make it work again. I think it will be repaired.
Are the Luna team ready for this challenge? I think so.
So if you want take this risk, I will suggest it should be an amount that if lost won't worry you.
Remember this are only my opinion and not a financial advice.
Trade Responsibly...
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