MSTU provides 2X on MSTR which invented the BTC-on-balance-sheet strategy.
MSTR has been providing approx > 4X on Bitcoin movements (up and down).
This means MSTU is providing > 8% X on BTC by % movements.

Today, 10/24/24, when BTC went up 1.93% MSTU went up approx 21%

Long Call options on MSTU further amplify this multiplier effect.

Not financial advice, Do your own research, Get in and out at the right times,
Your money; your decisions.
Tax aspect:

I'll add ( and I'm NOT a tax professional) that my lay-understanding, is that, in the USA, the tax implications of gains from an eTF such as this are favorable as compared to from Crypto
(assuming sale within a year of purchase which is likely with such a volatile asset.)
arbitrageBTCFundamental Analysisleveragedetfssurrogate
