
SPX - Let's Watch the ShitShow

HEAD SHOTs ONLY!!!...I know my mind is quitting before my body needs to. I just have to chip away at my calloused mind and I will get there.

“Out of every one hundred men [on the battlefield], ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior…” — Heraclitus


This “Market-Environment” we find ourselves in is not a “Normal-Wave-Functioning” market…the conditions are much more chaotic, dispersed and constantly mutating…The machine (Algo’s) work on computational intelligence using “Particle-Swarming-Optimization” techniques, well beyond our “Lizard-Brains.”

These condition are akin to a “Quantum-Harmonic-Oscillator which is a system that swings (like a pendulum) away from its equilibrium but has a restoring force that returns it to equilibrium. (Timeline UNK). The quantum analogue, a quantum harmonic oscillator, is also a system that is displaced from equilibrium but has a restoring force…of which No-One knows what dynamic(s) truly triggers it or the outcome…all we can do is thru heightened situational awareness ID the conditions, develop a "Risk-Range" into your "Process" then "Manage your trades." Good Luck out there….see you @ Happy Hour!

“We are what we pretend to be….Know your limits”
Hint...when you see these big swings (Euphoria, only one market for the global community to go)...the key in these swings is the "RateOfChange"...the speed/extremes these signatures happen should make you Pause-Reflect...Decisional Space...Execute! Find-Fix-Finish (Foxtrot3)
As we can see from the chart above, the Fed's Repo operation began in Q4 2019, but the S&P 500 was rising since Q1 2019. The Fed was curtailing its balance sheet throughout 2018 and yet for much of 2018, the S&P 500 was rising as well. Again, this demonstrates that just because two things are moving together doesn't suggest causation, but rather a coincidence. We're not going to go so far as to suggest that the Fed's Repo operation or balance sheet expansion aren't prohibitive to equity market sentiment, but that's about all these issue can lend to equity markets, sentimental favor.


Market Breadth

