
SPX500 Long-Term Forecast

2016/11/17. S&P 500 stock index forecast for next months and years.

S&P forecast for November 2016.
The forecast for beginning of November 2168. Maximum value 2266, while minimum 2010. Averaged index value for month 2146. S&P 500 at the end 2138, change for November -1.38%.

S&P 500 forecast for December 2016.
The forecast for beginning of December 2138. Maximum value 2236, while minimum 1982. Averaged index value for month 2116. S&P 500 at the end 2109, change for December -1.36%.

S&P forecast for January 2017.
The forecast for beginning of January 2109. Maximum value 2232, while minimum 1980. Averaged index value for month 2107. S&P 500 at the end 2106, change for January -0.14%.

S&P 500 forecast for February 2017.
The forecast for beginning of February 2106. Maximum value 2229, while minimum 1977. Averaged index value for month 2104. S&P 500 at the end 2103, change for February -0.14%.

S&P forecast for March 2017.
The forecast for beginning of March 2103. Maximum value 2309, while minimum 2047. Averaged index value for month 2159. S&P 500 at the end 2178, change for March 3.57%.

S&P 500 forecast for April 2017.
The forecast for beginning of April 2178. Maximum value 2311, while minimum 2049. Averaged index value for month 2180. S&P 500 at the end 2180, change for April 0.09%.

S&P forecast for May 2017.
The forecast for beginning of May 2180. Maximum value 2346, while minimum 2080. Averaged index value for month 2205. S&P 500 at the end 2213, change for May 1.51%.

S&P 500 forecast for June 2017.
The forecast for beginning of June 2213. Maximum value 2352, while minimum 2086. Averaged index value for month 2218. S&P 500 at the end 2219, change for June 0.27%.

S&P forecast for July 2017.
The forecast for beginning of July 2219. Maximum value 2470, while minimum 2190. Averaged index value for month 2302. S&P 500 at the end 2330, change for July 5.00%.

S&P 500 forecast for August 2017.
The forecast for beginning of August 2330. Maximum value 2459, while minimum 2181. Averaged index value for month 2323. S&P 500 at the end 2320, change for August -0.43%.

S&P forecast for September 2017.
The forecast for beginning of September 2320. Maximum value 2336, while minimum 2072. Averaged index value for month 2233. S&P 500 at the end 2204, change for September -5.00%.

S&P 500 forecast for October 2017.
The forecast for beginning of October 2204. Maximum value 2295, while minimum 2035. Averaged index value for month 2175. S&P 500 at the end 2165, change for October -1.77%.

GREEN- All-time High
RED- Weekly Low(s)
RED-CHANNEL- Latest Mid-Term (Daily) SHORT CHANNEL "Broken 09th of Nov 2016- Event US Presidential Elections"

Current Long Positions and looking to add for future trades.
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