How many bears remain in this market? I gave up last fall after trying to time this since 2020. Moved the little I have left (after bear roasting for years & years) into bonds & GICs.

No matter what, I am just paralyzed from being able to press the buy button. Why do markets still look so incongruent? Why do so many sectors including this wilshire still look like a bear? In fact, the greatest bear in history? Yet tech and industrials are flying out of orbit? Why is so much in real life becoming unaffordable? Why are the downtown streets of my city filling with homeless people? What about the wars? Such is the commencement of a new bull?

I don't really have confidence to make any statement either way. I am very tired.
Apathy. The apathetic bear. It sinks its teeth in one day, then falls asleep the next.
There is no way to invest in this game, not to mention, trade.
I threw away all my trading tools months ago.
Sometimes I still think about it.
But really, all I have left is this continued sinking feeling that it still don't feel good.
Beyond Technical Analysis
