Zcash / Tether USD

ZECUSD 8h: Zcash 1.000 USD - possible Target after Correction

1 743
My last target was even topped. I saw ZEC at 650 USD (old Fibo 1.62).
In the end, we reached USD 730. A good performance.

What is the next development now? According to technical analysis,
we see two trend channels:
  • One that goes straight up and hits the new Fibo 1.62 at 1,000 USD.
  • And a second trend channel that is slightly flatter. It hits Fibo 1.62 in
    April after another correction.

Currently, everything depends on BTC. I still expect a further
correction and we could expect a strong further increase
at ZEC after that.

Let's see what happens. Happy trading. :-)

· · · · · CRYPTO CRUMBS FOR CHARITY · · · · ·

I started a project yesterday and hopefully we will have all your support: CRYPTO CRUMBS FOR CHARITY. Click on the page and share it. Or better yet, donate. Many of you - including me - are making good profits with (crypto) trading. Why shouldn't we collect Crypto Crumbs and donate them for charity? Sounds like a plan, doesn't it?

Read more:

We all collect and donate 2018 Crypto Crumbs and at the end of 2018 we are looking for a good charity project together. Let's get started!


And don't forget ...
Make good trades, money is secondary.
Be patient, satisfied and happy.

Thx for following A N D thx for helping.

All the best
btcinvests · btcinvest · btcinvest.de :-)


ZECUSD (2h): close up of the current situation

ZECUSD (1h): zec touched short term resistance - close up of the current situation

ZECUSD (3h): zec broke short term support - close up of the current situation

ZECUSD (4h): resistance touched. maybe take profit and wait for reentry.

ZECUSD (4h): update ...


